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MC Cup Mar 2011 Auckland Chess Tournament Results

MC Cup Mar 2011 Auckland Chess Tournament Results

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All players played 7 games.

The score is based on the number of points a player gets. A win is counted as 1 point. A draw is half a point. And a loss is zero points.

The winner qualifies for the MC Cup Finals to be held at the end of the year. The winner also gains free entry into the following MC Cup and will receive invitations to MC Cup EliteTM events.

Summary of the days events

The 2nd MC cup for the year showed a steady increase in number with 20 players participating in the event, including two adults! - Wayne McDougall and Philip Mukkattu. Entry to the MC Cup is free for Adults so it was great that Wayne and Philip supported the event and provided more competition for the kids.

The day started with some excitement with two tournament favourites Leo Zhang and Kumaa Jayachanthiran paired against each other. After an exciting tussle Leo struck pulled through setting the scene for the tournament leadership.

Round 2 saw both the adult players Wayne and Philip to face eachother. The game was very close with Wayne holding a slight advantage in a Rook vs Bishop ending. Philip wasn't able to hold against the building pressure and conceded the win.

Round 5 was witness to two big upsets with young Alphaeus Ang defeating Wayne McDougall and Leo Zhang defeating Philip Makkattu both in great style. Triumph for Kid Power!

Prior to the final round, Paul Macdonald gave a Chess Lesson of breaking down pawn chains. The game ends in a nice sacrifice on move 21 to force mate. Leo Zhang managed to find the mate and thereby won a free $25 Chess Set. Well done Leo.

Michael McKenzie had produced some good steady Chess to come up against Alphaeus Ang in the final round. Alphaeus proved too strong and Michael finally had to concede defeat.

Leo Zhang won the event and received a number of prizes:

  • A mini MC Cup Trophy with engraved plaque
  • Free entry into the next MC Cup Qualifiers event in April
  • Entry into the MC Cup Finals at the end of the year
  • Access to MC Cup EliteTM events held through the year
  • And of course, his free Chess Set

Congratulations Leo!!


Useful Links

View the Tournament Results

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Photo Library

MC Cup March 2011 - Tournament gets underwayTournament gets underway

MC Cup March 2011 - Active Minds at work
Active minds at work

MC Cup March 2011 - Participation Certificate Winners
Participation Cetificate Winners - 3.5 points or less


MC Cup March 2011 - Credit Certificate Winners
Credit Certificate Winners - 4.0 or 4.5 points from 7
[From left Paul Macdonald - Presenter, Liam Ellis, Shinay Singh, Allen Fan & Michael McKenzie]


MC Cup March 2011 - Distinction Certificate Winners - 5.0 or 5.5 or 6 points from 7
Distinction Certificate Winners - 5.0 or 5.5 or 6.0 points from 7
[From left Paul Macdonald - Presenter, Kumaa Jayachanthiran, Phillip Mukkattu, Alphaeus Ang, Wayne McDougall & Leo Zhang]


MC Cup March 2011 - Under 14 Trophy Winners
Under 14 Trophy Winners
[From left Paul Macdonald, Kumaa Jayachanthiran - 1st place, Shinay Singh - 3rd place, Liam Ellis - 4th place, Michael McKenzie - 2nd place]


MC Cup March 2011 - Under 10 Trophy Winners
Under 10 Trophy Winners
[From left Paul Macdonald - Presenter, Leo Zhang - 1st place, Alphaeus Ang - 2nd place, Allen Fan - 3rd place]


MC Cup March 2011 - Best Girls
Best Girls
[From left Paul Macdonald - Presenter, Sylvia McDougall - 2nd best girl, Gina Holden - best girl]


MC Cup March 2011 - Overall Tournament Winners
Overall Tournament Winners
[From left Paul Macdonald - Presenter, Leo Zhang - 1st place, Kumaa Jayachanthiran - 3rd place, Alphaeus Ang - 2nd place and Michael McKenzie - 4th place]

Posted: Wed 30 Mar 2011


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