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Sarapu Cup prize winners

Tournaments are a wonderful way for kids of all levels to play and enjoy Chess. In fact, tournaments are one of the main methods we recommend for improving Chess ability - refer to our Chess Development Plan.

The Chess Power Events Calendar lists all of the upcoming Chess Power tournaments for the year. You can also filter events by your location. We literally run hundreds of tournaments every year right across New Zealand.

Chess Clubs that are affiliated with the New Zealand Chess Federation (NZCF) also run a number of chess events. View the NZCF Calendar for more details.

At Chess Power we run several tournament types to cater for all our interest groups.

School Tournaments

In Auckland our school tournaments start with clusters. Read all about Clusters here. Once you get through clusters, you can then step up to Regionals and Nationals! Read our Regionals FAQ. If you live outside of Auckland, you bypass clusters and can access regionals directly. We run regionals in your area in Term 2 and Term 3 each year.

The Chess Power Nationals events are made up of:

  • the Champions Trophy, an event for the best individual players in New Zealand; 
  • and the Teams Nationals which teams qualify by winning regionals or the Checkmate Challenge.

The Checkmate Challenge is a brand new monthly online team event available to all schools in New Zealand. It is another avenue to qualify for the Champions Trophy and the Teams Nationals. It runs on the 2nd Thursday of every month (except in October).

The New Zealand Chess federation (NZCF) also run an Interschools Championship that your school can participate in. Find out more here.


JOOC League

The Junior Online Oceania Chess League (JOOC League) is an online team event for juniors in New Zealand and Australia. Juniors represent their city and compete against other cities for the title of JOOC league champions.


Sarapu Cup

Our flagship event for kids to enjoy competitive chess at all levels. The Sarapu Cup runs in Auckland and Rotorua every month. And also runs on the North Shore Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch bi-monthly. Read the Sarapu Cup FAQ to learn more. At the end of the year we also run the Sarapu Cup Championships in Central Auckland, the Bay of Plenty and in Wellington.



SuperChamps is an onsite NZCF and FIDE rated 6-round rapid tournament held in Auckland. There are three SuperChamps events each year offering excellent prize money.


Junior Masters

The Junior Masters is made up of multiple 10-player events run in a round-robin format over five days with two rounds per day. Junior Masters runs once each year and is both FIDE and NZCF rated with excellent prize money for the winners. The Junior Masters events attracts the strongest junior chess players in New Zealand.


New Zealand X-Chess Championships

The New Zealand X-Chess Championships are held each year and run in the second week of the Term 3 break running over 9 days in Auckland. The format is 9 rounds with a time control of 90 minutes for 40 moves + 30 minutes for the rest of the game. This event is open to anybody and offers significant prize money. You can learn about X-Chess and play online by visiting xchess.live and clicking on the Tutorial. You can also participate in the X-Chess party hour held online every Friday from 5-6pm.

View our Events calendar to find more detailed information on any of the events above.

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