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Jerry Hsiao

Jerry Hsiao

What do you think makes you a good organiser? 

I have organised several chess tournaments using the Swiss Pairing System since 2018. Every time, I ensure that the tournament runs smoothly and is enjoyable for all participants.

What are your key strengths?
  • I can manage multiple tasks simultaneously and keep track of all the details.
  • I am meticulous and accurate in all aspects of the tournament.
  • I am well-versed in the rules and regulations of chess to ensure that the tournament is played fairly and according to the guidelines.
  • I communicate effectively with the players, officials, and other staff members to ensure that everyone is informed about the tournament proceedings.
  • I remain calm and composed under pressure and find solutions quickly.
  • I have a genuine love and passion for the game to create an enjoyable and memorable experience for all participants.
Why do you love chess?
  • I enjoy the mental challenge of trying to outsmart my opponent.
  • I find it rewarding that I can develop my own unique style and approach to the game.
  • It provides opportunities for me to meet new people who share their love for the game.
  • It has taught me many precious life lessons, such as:
    • Every move has consequences; some are immediate, and some will come back to haunt you later.
    • Our student life (opening) is quite straightforward, but how we live it will affect the later life stages. Our working life (middle game) is the longest and the most unpredictable part. Our retired life (endgame) is also quite straightforward if we have done well in the previous two stages of our life.
    • Life is not fair (white always goes first). We should deal with the problems rather than find excuses for ourselves (I lost because I played black).
    • We need to always have a plan B or C.
    • Do not despise the seemingly insignificant people (pawns) around you. They may turn out to be the game changer of your life.
    • Knowledge is useful only when it is applied.
    • Sometimes it is necessary to move backward (knight) so that we can come back with double the impact to achieve what we want to achieve in life.

When/how did you first learn to play?
I started playing Chinese chess when I was in primary school. Later, when I encountered chess, I immediately switched to it because the moves of the pieces are less restrictive. I only started to improve when I was asked to take care of the chess club during a holiday programme in 2015. I mostly learned by solving puzzles, analysing my own games, and watching YouTube videos.

Why do you enjoy working with kids?
I find it rewarding to see them grow and develop under my guidance. Helping them develop self-confidence, social skills, and a love of learning is incredibly fulfilling.

What are your main achievements when it comes to working with kids?
I started teaching chess to my son when he was five. He used to walk away angry when he lost or check with me whether he had made the right move each time. Now he assists me in high school chess clubs, holiday program chess clubs, my weekly chess classes, and even as an assistant when I host chess tournaments.
I have built trust and rapport with chess students in a high school where most students do not respect their teachers nor care to learn anything in class.
It is always a joy to meet students at Chess Power Regionals who have taken chess lessons from me in the past eight years.

How do you think chess helps kids?
It helps them develop critical thinking skills and improve their ability to make decisions. It also helps them develop problem-solving abilities.


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