Massey/Swanson/Henderson Cluster Tournament (Junior)

Tuesday 18 May 2021
09:00 AM - 02:15 PM

ENTER NOW using our online entry form

For help registering your team, see the registering your team tutorial page.
If you are stuck, email or for urgent help, txt 021 0271 5577.

This is a Junior event, and is open to Year 1-6 students

  • Designed for new players and experienced alike
  • All the rules are described before the tournament starts
  • Enter as many players as you wish. The more that enter the stronger your school team
  • We will invoice you after tournament completion based on the number of kids that attend
    • Fees are $10 per player inclusive of GST payable 2 weeks following the event
    • Special dispensations are available for low decile schools
      • Decile 1,2,3 & 4 schools fees are just $5 per player

If you haven't experienced a Chess Power cluster event before, check out our video footage of our very first event!


The schedule for the day is as follows:

Start Time: 9:00am
Finish Time: 2:15pm

Please aim to arrive before 8:45am for registration

Registration Processing 8:30 - 9:00am
Introduction 9:00 - 9:30am
Prize Giving 1:30 - 2:15pm


7 Round Swiss. 15 minutes per player. Refer to our Clusters FAQ for more details.



  • All entries including names must be entered one working day before the event.
  • Your school will be invoiced following the event based on the number of players that attend. Please do not bring payment on the day.

Venue: Summerland Primary

Summerland Primary School
62 Summerland Drive

Phone: 09) 836 7460


Summerland Primary School

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